
Wild & Bird Photography


There are No Free Lunches

One of the most important thing I learnt from my life is that "Nothing comes for Free". One has to work for getting things done. Clear choices should be made at each stage and at each minute of our life. I love the quote "Every man builds the world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice". At each moment, we have been presented a choice. A choice to take a route that everyone else takes or make a new route that can be explored and transformed. Whichever route you take, Dont take a step backwards. Not for any reason. You took a choice considering your moral and ethical value and you are taking that route and there is no right or wrong. Frankly speaking, Life is Hard!! Its like a sine wave. You will have ups and downs.  Life rewards you with an experience that is unique and wonderful depending on the choices you make. One needs to make a choice and work on the goals. Today, businesses have become competitive,